Thursday, May 18, 2006


I've been thinking about travel nursing. I'm very dissatisfied with my job. They gave new sign on RN's a raise to a certain amount. I got a raise too -- 5 cents more than new fresh out of school nurses. But anyways. I'm just thinking about travel nursing. Not realistic. My ears are already burning from mom's comments. I can just imagine. I filled out a few online applications late last night. When I woke up today I had 17 messages on my answering machine. Greg said he didn't think I'd have trouble finding a job. 17 messages! plus about 12 emails. Right now I'm stagnet -- no worries Mom. I'm just testing the waters.


Sister--Helen said...

Ok exactly what is travel nursing?

Sunshine said...

Why did you post that.....are you trying to drive mom over the edge!!!!!

Erin said...

travel nursing is where you work for a company and they place you at different facilities. you get paid more. assignents last from a few weeks to a few months. you also get bonuses for finishing out an assignment.

Sister--Fleta said...

From one who has experience of children in 'traveling' jobs, let me tell you that the biggest drawback financially is paying oridnary living expenses twice because you have to maintain your home and pay for housing where you actually live and paying traveling expenses between your home and where you actually spend most of your time. The biggest drawback presonally is never being home; where you are spending most of your time is not home, and you spend very little time where at your real home. While it is possible to make a home away from home, it is very unrealistic to think you can make a home separated from all your family for most of your life. This is like the myth of quality vs quanity for childrearing. You wil find that quality does not make up for the lack of quanity when you are talking hours vs weeks. You might spend a quality week end with your family and then non-quality weeks alone.

Galla Creek said...

I guess you like the attention..of
others wanting your services. Take
care of Greg and your home. The
grass is always greener on the otherside until you get over there and see all the weeds.

Sister--Helen said...
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Galla Creek said...

Helen, I love you.

Erin, I love you.

All we can do is the best we
can do.

patsy said...

i can't see you traveling from job to job you are married and wheather we like it or not that has certain oblagations. and what if you had children. Are you going to pack up and leave your husband in harrison for weeks at a time?I think it would be like working for Tyson , bad move! while you were gone a nother woman would move into your home. this is just the way the world turns.

Sister--Helen said...

Erin I'll bet you are so glad you posted this for all of your Mothers to comment on.

Galla Creek said...

I was afraid Erin was
mad at all of us...but
she called her internet is

We would probably be catching
it if it wasn't out. So someone
may be looking out for us.

patsy said...

she will have something to read when she gets back on line.

Sister--Helen said...

I was afraid she was upset also. I deleted mine..We should all go in and delete them all before she reads them.

Erin said...

i read them. too late. it's been a long weekend. i think my tylenol pm is kicking in. too bad i'm in a public place. i wonder if there's a nice comfy chair in this library?

Sister--Fleta said...

I am not in favor of deleting comments. I am like Erin, I say what I think and I do not think Erin will get angry because we are stating our opinions. I have experience in being newly wed and living half a continent from your spouse. It is not a good thing.