Saturday, July 15, 2006

july 13 2006

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Galla Creek said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures of my 4 girls. They are all four precious!

patsy said...

good looking girls.

Linda@VS said...

Your girls are so cute. Their blond hair reminds me of my own girls when they were little.

Congratulations on your new job, too.

Sister--Helen said...

Erin...hope the 2 jobs are going fine.... i know some of the people at Tyson are not very nice..especially the relatives...heard you told Clayton to stop smoking...Good job!!! keep it up...

Sister--Fleta said...

Erin, where you saw me at work today was right outside where my desk is. Betty said they made you work for Kathy. Poor thing. I feel for you. She is a slave driver. Next time I see you, I am going to take more pictures. I bet you have to come back next week and help with the hearing tests. Everyone hates the hearing tests except for the people who have to actually work. They are glad to get to go sit down in the cool for a while with no one bothering them. I don't have to take a hearing test. They just yell loader if I can't hear what they tell me to do. Today, I spent over 4 hours working on a thing in Excel to help solve those number puzzels. I decided it was more trouble to do it with excel than it was to do it with a pencil. Have to think of a new project for tomorrow cause that is the last day of my vacation. My boss has been gone for 2 weeks and that is a vacation for me.