Sunday, August 03, 2008


It is hot as hell. Greg says I need to get out more. I opened the front door yesterday and decided that was a stupid idea! Clayton recieved his scholarship in the mail. I think I'll copy the certificate and frame it for his room. The original is going in a safety deposit box. He doesn't look enthused about it, does he ?


Anonymous said...

I am so proud that Clayton has that scholarship.

sorry, it is so hot...yes, it is hot here too. We walked 3 and a half miles this morn. Well, Laura walked more...she walked back to meet me. I am pretty slow with my broke toe.

Greg, is right though, you need to get out of the house are going to have culture shock when you go back to work. I will have culture shock a week from MOnday when I go back.

Daddy loved the photo.

Sister--Fleta said...

That is a great photo, but you are right, he does not seem to care.

George is outside at 7 pm mowing grass, and not even yard grass. He is mowing the strips along the road that runs through our pasture to the neighbor's house. I think he has lost his mind.

That is one cute boy.

Sister--Helen said...

he looks like he does not have a care in the world