Saturday, September 19, 2009

Renovation: Phase 1 & 2

We are renovating our living and dining areas. Yesterday, Greg tore sheet rock off the wall in between the living and dining rooms. He also pulled up all the carpet in these rooms and the hallway.

We have a small room off the garage. We will be changing this to the dining room. You can see in the picture he changed that wall and made the opening bigger. This room now has 2 doors in it to the garage. Wasted space. We are filling in one of the doors to make more wall space and better insulate the room.

Today he and dad worked on electrical stuff. I am so glad I had to work. Tomorrow he is going to (rain permitting) sheetrock the new and improved wall leading to the 'new' dining room. The wall in between the living in dining rooms is load bearing. Monday we have a guy coming to help us with that. Will post more pictures soon.


Galla Creek said...

You are going to have so much more room and Greg is having a ball doing it...looks great.

Sunshine said...

I can't wait for thanksgiving when we come to your new and improved house to eat.

Sister--Helen said...
