Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More Christmas

We definately had a good Christmas. Clayton didn't want to come out of the bedroom when he heard Santa had been here. I guess he thought he was still here. Greg told him he'd left and he gladly came into the living room then. I have a real problem with 'Santa.'
Mixed feelings at least. A patient once explained to me that we hype Santa up so much at Christmas time and encourage our children to 'believe' in him. Later in life they find out that Santa was just a big STORY aka LIE. She made me wonder if they feel the same about Jesus. We encourage them to believe in him also in much the same way. I can only pray that Clayton will not think I was lying to him about Jesus living in his heart.
I will continue as he gets older to hold back the urge to tell him Santa is watching. And I will definatley tell him the truth as often as needed.


Galla Creek said...

Well, I think if you tell him about Santa in his early years...I mean by 1st grade or so. He will live over it.

I like the picture of him and Poppa.

patsy said...

i think you worry tooooo much. things fall into place as you grow up. truth be told I don't remember the santa story when i was young but I am sure i was told that becouse the younger kids were told that story.