Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Hell's Bells

What is it with this stuff that makes me want to cuss? I went out and saw a few patients today and gave another girl a ride. I think this is ridiculous. I woke up this morning and was yelling out the window at the snow. I think Greta thought I'd lost it. We have a good 8 inches.


Galla Creek said...

We have about 7 inches. Glad you made it home from work and had no wreck.
Maybe spring is coming....

patsy said...

Lordy erin, we are all going to die.

Sister--Fleta said...

Well, we have a BAD 8 inches.

none said...

looking at your pictures of the snow I almost feel guilty complaining about needing a jacket outside today...then I remember from April to October we will be sweating to death and I don't feel so bad. I hope we all get warmer weather soon.


none said...

Warm and sunny here....