Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Greg asked for some chocolate chip cookies when I went shopping last night. When we first met his idea of anything good was store bought or fastfood. His mother does not like to cook and I guess she never did. She never made him eat his veggies or sit at the table until he had finished his plate. I believe that he even got special treatment. His dinner choices were often hot dogs, pizza and hamburgers -- no matter what else was sitting on the table.

He used to be upset if I suggested making anything 'homemade.' And then he tried it. He still won't eat anything really good -- like vegtebles, casseroles or even meatloaf. But he will eat corn and mashed potatoes along with chicken, pork chops or steak. A nice compromise.

And he likes homemade desserts. Thank goodness I don't have to fix those horrible refrigerated cookies anymore. I can't stand them. They always taste like they came out of a long tube. So I was able to make homemade chocolate chip cookies last night -- something I really don't like but enjoy making.

About 1/3 the way through when I was cracking an egg -- half of the shell fell in. I stopped the mixer and fished it out. There's no telling how much shell got into the batter that I couldn't see. I told Greg that his cookies might be crunchy as well as chewey. He didn't seem to care. He ate them without complaint. Posted by Picasa


Sister--Helen said...

Erin when I was first married I could not cook at all, I never helped Mom cook. For the first year we had cold cereal for breakfast and pot pies for both lunch and dinner. They were 10 for $1.00, we ate really cheap. When I did start to cook my stove was very old and I burned everything. Sometimes I would throw it away and remake it before Mike got home. Now if something burns too bad, how sad, if you don't like it don't eat it.

Galla Creek said...

I am thankful for a good
son-in-law. Greg is a
great guy. He is not a
complainer. I am so proud
that Erin has Greg.

patsy said...

true helen doesn't cook now either.pass the cookies

Sister--Helen said...

Erin this picture has made me hungry this morning!

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

Erin now I am going to have to make soom cookiies also but my Greg doent eat sweets or bread and they are my downfall that is why I cant loose any wait they other day mom teached my how to make bread I messed up but I fixed it and it turned out very well now I think I could make it all by myself but I enjoy doing things with mom